Very excited to be giving a keynote and workshop at the Romanian Testing Conference on May, 10-12th, 2017! The following is the theme and please register here to attend – hope to see you there!
The theme for the conference is “Thriving in testing – remaining relevant“…
With the theme I wanted to address two big ideas that have followed me through my career.
The first that testing can indeed be a career. A positive a career. A career that can lead to great satisfaction, meaning and personal growth. Testing can be a career and not just a job. It is indeed possible to thrive in your career as a tester, both personally and professionally.
The second idea is that testing is changing rapidly and the test community is forever changing and evolving. A growing number of teams no longer have testers in them, testers are involved more than ever in the design and requirements stage of delivery, test automation is big business, testing in live is a very real and practiced activity, testers are switching roles to product roles such as Scrum Master and Product Owner and taking with them the testing mindset, and DevOps is still the next big thing. How can testers and testing thrive in this changing world?
The goal of the conference is to cover, address and ask questions about testers and testing and how we can thrive in a changing world.
Romanian Testing Conference is a chance to celebrate this sense of thriving, to share stories and ideas and to inspire everyone that attends to embrace the uncertainty of the software world. It’s this uncertainty and growth that makes being a tester such a challenging job.
By thriving in the world of testing you also achieve a couple of things. Firstly, you provide epic value to the company you work for and the customers of that product or service. Secondly, you remain relevant to the job market and can enjoy a successful career in an exciting part of the industry.
So I would like to welcome a call for papers from anyone who feels they are thriving in their world of testing. From anyone who is pushing boundaries, trying new things and leading change. From anyone who is seeing strong personal growth. And from anyone who is trying to teach and inspire others to improve, embrace change and make the most of their careers.
I’m so excited about the potential to create a seriously fun, fast paced and passionate conference where thriving in testing is at the core of everything we talk about.
I would love you to be part of it. I would love you to see the amazing country of Romania. And I would love nothing more than shoot the breeze over a few drinks about how you’re thriving in the world of testing.
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Looking forward to meeting you there Keith!