Afghan Girls Robotics Team to ATD – You did it!

You did it!

Thanks to all of you and the incredible people at Agile Testing Days, we’ve raised nearly TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to send the Afghan Girls Robotics team to Germany! The generosity of the ATD organization has met any financial gaps we were unable to raise through the GoFundMe page. As well, the unbelievable people at Sauce Labs and Anne-Marie Charrett made substantial donations to meet the goal. But most importantly, all of you made this possible. Thank you for your generosity, support, and general awesomeness.

While in Berlin, the team will get full access to the conference, tutorials, and networking events. They will have the opportunity to showcase their project and  Roya Mahboob is going to give a keynote on her work supporting technology communities in developing countries. The team will also participate in the Women and Allies Evening Gathering, led by Anne-Marie, where they will get to network with women from all over the world and pair up with mentors to continue their relationships long after the conference is over.

I am still in awe of all the work that Roya and her Digital Citizen Fund do to support the Afghan tech community and budding technologist all over the world. She is truly an inspiration. There is still time to support the team, as any additional funds will be donated to education fund of Team Afghanistan Captain, Fatemah, whose father recently passed away in an attack in Herat. Finally, I would like to thank Jessica Rose, who first brought the team to my attention via social media and has been a source of inspiration and encouragement throughout the entire fundraising efforts.

Thank you for all your support and I look forward to meeting you all and the team in Potsdam!


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2 thoughts on “Afghan Girls Robotics Team to ATD – You did it!

  1. Beautiful! Finally, we made it. Thanks to you brother Keith for inspiring the community and you made the difference while the supporters also did. In short, we (community) made the difference. Thanks for leading us. Cheers!

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